What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2024?

Do you know what a New Year’s resolution is? It’s a new goal you make for the next year. It’s something new you decide to work hard to do. Maybe it’s to exercise more or quit smoking. Maybe it’s to find a better job or study something new. Here’s an example: ‘Sam ate too much over the holidays so he made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.’

It can also be good to make a New Year’s resolution for your English study. Maybe you can plan to start a language exchange or take an English test. Maybe you can plan to read a long English novel or graded reader.

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It’s a good idea to write down your resolution and make it specific. It’s also good to make it realistic. This will help you achieve it. For example, a goal to get an IELTS Academic Test score of band 5.0 or over. Then review your resolution at the end of the next year. Did you achieve it? If so, great. Then make a new one. If not, don’t worry, maybe you can retry or change you goal a little for the next year.

So, what is your English study New Year’s resolution for 2024?

Extra study idiom!:  Have you ever heard the idiom ‘second wind’? It means get new energy to do something after being tired from doing it. For example, ‘Jen was tired from studying a lot for her exams. But after taking break over the holidays, she got her second wind and starting studying more.’

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