Recommended free pronunciation sites (and apps)

Find below a list of my seven favorite free pronunciation websites.

Rank Site/app Content
1 Sounds: The Pronunciation App Useful and well-made free pronunciation app that includes phoneme (IPA) tables and quizzes testing recognition and production (inputting IPA symbols).
2 Sounds of speech Mechanics of US English pronunciation *Includes useful animations and examples. Also available as a paid (500yen) app on mobile devices.
3 Rachel’s English A focus on individual sounds of American English Pronunciation. Lots of useful video clips giving detailed technical explanations of sound productions, etc.
4 BBC pronunciation Comprehensive pronunciation practice with a focus on phonemes.
5 Cambridge English: Phonetics Games and interactive activities for teaching and learning phonetics.
6 Thought groups (Youtube video) Explaining and outlining the importance of thought groups in spoken English monologues.
7 Pearson-Longman IPA phonetic chart (interactive) Interactive IPA phoneme chart covering all the sounds of English

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